Well, I have bad news to tell you, you probably suffer like me and like many human beings from a “disease” which is called: “not wanting to decide to decide” or from another disease, also very common that it is called “fear of change”.
Clearly they are “diseases” that have very deep psychological roots and of which we are often not even aware, in fact psychologists speak of the unconscious in this regard.
I wanted to address this topic as I personally believe that since we only live once, procrastinating for years in the decision to move house while continuing to live in a situation that does not satisfy us is a small offense to our life itself.
Attention, I do not want to say that they are not real problems, many times there are not exactly the necessary conditions, but I believe that looking in the mirror and giving yourself an honest answer is the first step to concretely address the problem.
As I have written in other articles, we often forget that we spend more than half of our time at home (for some even 70/80 percent). And living in a home that doesn’t make us feel good affects other areas of our life as well .
Let’s see what could be the hidden causes (those of our unconscious) that keep us from “not deciding to decide” and, even if I am not a psychologist, I will try to offer you some starting points.
The pleasure of being able to continue dreaming.
It has happened to me personally and many times even with some of my clients to discover that you do not decide because as long as you are in the situation of being able to continue imagining something much more beautiful, you enjoy a state of pleasure that would fade when should face reality, for example in the case of the house,
it could be much more pleasant to be able to continue dreaming of a house on a hill or by the sea with an adjoining swimming pool than to accept the fact that the house we can afford is a simple terraced house .